Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pygmies, part II

Pygmies have always had a tough time. Here is a great set of dispatches in Slate regarding the plight of the Pygmies and, among other things, the use of sensationalism to bring attention to war.

On a less disturbing note, those traveling to Congo Brazzaville in search of Pygmies in the zoo, you are now out of luck.

Back to Reuters:
A troupe of pygmy musicians made to live at the zoo while performing at a music festival in Congo Republic's capital Brazzaville have been provided with accommodation in a local school, authorities said on Saturday.The plight of the
22 pygmies, whose tents became an attraction for curious zoo visitors, provoked outrage among civil rights groups in Congo. All the other musicians playing at the July 8-14 FESPAM festival were provided with hotel rooms. The pygmies, from Congo's northeast Likouala forest region, had been gathering wood daily in the zoo to prepare fires to cook their food, often with tourists snapping photos of them.

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